Soon in its second printing!
Natural Process:
That Environmental Laws May Serve the Laws of Nature
Every once in a while, a book comes from out of nowhere, that integrates diverse, competing interests into new solutions to long-standing problems; a challenging work, that changes the way you see, forever.
Now lest you think that this is some goofy hype from a distracted publicist, read the Reviews.
It's true.
This book isn't about just the environment; it's about a world of possibility in science, labor, love, and money. It's about that terrible, subtle tragedy of people destroying what they say they want to save by a greed they cannot see.
This 455 page, five-part work demonstrates rigorously how regulatory government operates under false premises, rendering its managing agencies dependent upon continuing problems, incapable of balancing competing risks, and subject to political corruption. The book makes its case with detailed analyses of original source data that reveal a new way to do better for both nature and humanity. It proposes specific examples and suggests an implementing strategy. It is a thought-provoking work that handles an emotional subject with a delightful sense of humor.
Mark Edward Vande Pol brings a diverse background to the field of environmental management. His experience includes hands-on research in habitat restoration, machine design, manufacturing electronics and medical devices, software development, pest control, formulation and compatibility testing, design of experiments, industrial and residential construction, regulatory compliance and quality system design, vendor qualification, and documentation control. His university education is founded in control system mathematics, economics, and Constitutional philosophy. He combines that experience with the drive and commitment, characteristic of product creators, and the respect for working people derived from years of arduous physical labor.
Mr. Vande Pol was a leading contributor to the Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Roundtable. His purpose was to see rigorous science respected in policy. The final document, presented as "consensus," was rewritten in secret by non-participants. It was a fraud.
That did it. Mr. Vande Pol halted his career and spent three years without pay, researching the causes of environmental mismanagement and developing this free-market alternative. Reading it carefully will forever change the way you see the role of private property, free enterprise, and individual liberty in improving environmental health. You can read excerpts using the links on the side bar.
This book is now temporarily out of print.
- There are a few signed copies left that are NOT for sale. The new Kindle Edition is almost done.
- A new 600pp picture book about our property is in pre-release reveiw.
- Shemitta is in major rewrite due to new discoveries. For now, it has the author's full attention.
- If you want a copy of Natural Process now, please e-mail us using the Contact Form and the author will consider sending you a copy, free. Please do not bother with a whimsical request as he just doesn't have time right now.
Thank you!
Natural Process: That Environmental Laws May Serve the Laws of Nature, ISBN: 0-9711793-0-1. Copyrights © 1999, 2000, & 2001 by Mark Edward Vande Pol. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be transmitted, archived, or reproduced in any manner or form without written permission, except as directed by the fair use doctrine under United States Copyright Law. The business method described in this book is covered under US Patent 7,401,036. First Edition published 2001 by Wildergarten Press, P.O. Box 98, Redwood Estates, CA 95044-0098. URL: http://www.wildergarten.com Library of Congress Control Number: 2001092201. Vande Pol, Mark Edward, 1954- Contains: 455pp, 3 Figures, 8 Photographs, 15 Charts, 2 Tables, Bibliography, and Index.